Home » Celebrity » Male Actor » Japanese – Tora-San’s Turtle Trouble – 寅さんのカメのトラブル

Japanese – Tora-San’s Turtle Trouble – 寅さんのカメのトラブル


@Ted-Says – Tora-San (寅さん) takes pity on a turtle which a boy has taken from a pond. When another boy opportunistically claims the turtle as his, Tora-San buys it and then proceeds to liberate the reptile into the nearby lake. The turtle, however, doesn’t recognise the noble deed and bites the altruistic Tora-San on a finger, to the bemusement of the boys.
Japanese viewers will doubtless know who Tora-San is (the actor Kiyoshi Atsumi – 渥美 清), he holds a special place in Japanese cinema, and in the process has created the world’s longest-running movie series, collectively known as “It’s Tough Being A Man” (男はつらいよ) and centred around Tora-San, his extended family and his search for a wife. The edited sequence you see here is not representative of the specific film, or of the series as a whole (other than the fact that it’s comedy), although fans of Japanese culture may find it worthwhile to wade through all of the 48 original films.

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Joe Zuccardo February 24, 2023 - 12:31 am

Ted, I hear it's not good to lay a turtle on it's back,

Paul Wilson February 24, 2023 - 5:06 am

Is this staying up this time??

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